Can You Make Good Money Using Freelance Writing Opportunities?

Freelance writing is one of the most sought after professions. It gives you a certain freedom and lets you earn money by doing what you love i.e. writing. But it is not all bed of roses. When you start as a freelance writer, the competition is immense and you will have to work hard before you start earning big. Professional writers with a fat paycheck did not get to their position overnight. It requires hard work and a passion for writing before you can become a well paid writer.

Don’t get stuck with low paying work

When you are starting out in this field you will have to accept jobs at nominal rates. Since you do not have a portfolio, there is no credibility to your work. The best thing you can do at this point is accept all sorts of jobs and build up your reputation. Often times a writer finds himself trapped in the endless cycle of low paying jobs. Even when you write good quality articles you may have to work for very low rates and hence you will be unable to use your potential. It is important not to get stuck in such kind of jobs for too long. Even when you take up low paying work in the beginning, you must look for avenues which will let you earn more.

Here are a few tips to help you move up:

  • Select a niche field and start working on it. Different people have different tastes. If you are an automobile buff, you can start searching for blogs with car reviews and news. If you like food or travel, you can start finding employment by clients who are interested in the field. Once you have set up a niche field for yourself and specialized in it, you can ask for higher rates.

  • If you are not confident enough about your writing skills, you can take a writing course. There are quite a few available over the internet. It will help you stretch yourself and learn new techniques. With better writing skills you are sure to get higher paying work.

  • Make new contacts and start chasing leads. You can get new clients simply by working with new leads. Meet other writes from your area or talk with experience writers over the internet. You can learn a lot from them and they can also help you gather leads and new contacts.

Upgrade Your Skills

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